- Double DIN Radio provision
Wiring and Antenna Connections (sold separately)
- Harness
- AWH3086 (Hyundai/Kia plug to ISO plugs)
- Harness with SWC
- CTSHY002.2 (For Non Amped system, must purchase CTMULTILEAD.5 for SWC retention)
- Antenna Adapter
- Steering Wheel Control
- AXSWC (Axxess Universal SWC Adapter)
- UNI-SWC.3 (Connects2 Universal SWC Adapter, must purchase CTMULTILEAD.5 for SWC retention)
- Hyundai
- Entourage 2007 – 2008
- Kia
- Sedona 2006 – 2014
- Carnival 2006 – 2014 (VQ)